SweetPoison Newsletter - August 2003

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/ August Article 2003

August Issue:

August 2003

Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN
By subscription only.


Happy summer. It's time for August's Healthy Newsletter.
Staying abreast of important health issues is important in
securing future health and wellness. I have a new website
all about the hair analysis at http://www.hairanalysisprogram.com.

If you haven't experienced having a hair analysis done,
check out my new site. I have posted two case histories
with hair analysis results for you to read; one on mercury
poisoning and one on radiation poisoning from military bases.

Thanks for your interest in staying healthy.
Wishing you the best.

To your health!
Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN


=> Pink VS Blue - Who Will Win the Sweetener War?
=> Neotame and Splenda
=> Did You Know?
=> Q & A with Dr. Hull
=> This Month's Healthy Recipe
=> Safety Alerts/Government Recalls

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I have created an affective, easy, and safe way to detox
(cleanse) the body to assist in the prevention of disease.
My proven Ten Step Detoxification Program will help restore
your health, gain energy, and purify your body of toxins.

The Detox Program eBook is like downloading a virtual
counseling session with me, and you have access to all my
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Click the link below to read more about my 10 Steps To
Detoxification Program:



Do you use the pink packet or the blue packet for a diet sweetener?
Well for health reasons, pick the pink and not the blue. It doesn't
matter to the manufacturer, though, as the same company marketed them
both. Blue or pink - Monsanto Chemical Company wins. The consumer

Research history proves that saccharin, the pink stuff known as Sweet
'N Low, is perfectly safe for human use and has always been safe
to use. The pink stuff never caused cancer in any human being in over
100 years of use. Saccharin has only received a total of six FDA
complaints whereas aspartame, found in the blue packet known as
NutraSweet's Equal, had received over 10,000 complaints to the
FDA after only ten years of use. Aspartame has been proven in
laboratory studies to eat holes in the brains of laboratory animals,
cause mammary gland and testes tumors, lower fetal IQ and adversely
affect fetal formation, yet it has no danger warning other than for
Phenylketonuria, the inherited inability to process the amino acid

So why then is the pink pack labeled a carcinogen and the blue pack
deemed as safe when it's actually the other way around? I always
wondered why the company making saccharin never fought back knowing
the misconception of public information was false information, keeping
silent the truth that saccharin never caused cancer but was merely
prey to a marketing 'set-up.' I finally found my answer! Saccharin's
history will answer this question for you, too.

Saccharin was sold as Monsanto Chemical Company's very first product
in 1901. Saccharin was originally derived from the root of a plant
in China. As a growing new company, Monsanto first established a
deep-rooted monetary connection with the soft drink industry through
its manufacturing of saccharin. After 30 years in the pharmaceutical
industry, founder John Francis Queeny, still an employee of Meyer
Brothers Drug Company at the time, sank his savings and money borrowed
from a Chicago soft drink supplier into his 'new' company to produce
products for the food and pharmaceutical industries. He named the
company after his wife, whose maiden name was Olga Monsanto. The
corporate papers were filed on Nov. 29, 1901.

In 1902, Monsanto gained a respectable reputation manufacturing
saccharin, the company's first product. In 1903 to 1905, their
entire saccharin output was shipped to the growing soft drink company
in Georgia called Coca-Cola. It appears that saccharin was one of
the 'secret' ingredients in original Coca Cola.

By 1904, Monsanto had introduced caffeine and vanillin as products
for the escalating soft drink industry. Initially, vanillin was
produced by extracting a chemical from cloves that were purchased
from the Sultan of Zanzibar who insisted that the left over spices
be returned to him. Cloves had an important religious significance
in the cremation of bodies, so there was importance in shipping them
back to Zanzibar instead of disposing of them as waste in the United
States. As of 1915, Monsanto's sales surpassed the $1 million mark.
Two years later, the company began the production of aspirin. Monsanto
remained the largest U.S. producer of aspirin until the 1980s.

A very interesting fact to note, in 1917 the U.S. government filed
suit over the safety of saccharin as a test case at Monsanto's request.
The suit was dismissed in 1925, ending the government's unsuccessful
attempts then to prove saccharin as harmful.

In 1981, saccharin was again questioned as a carcinogen, but no
respectable scientific proof was ever presented. In 2001, the cancer
warning was removed from saccharin product labels as saccharin was
shown, once again, to be safe for human consumption, as it has never
been proven to cause cancer in humans. The laboratory protocols used to
prove saccharin caused cancer in laboratory rats have been questioned
as being unethical modus operandi.

In 1981, G.D. Searle & Co. succeeded in getting the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to approve NutraSweet (aspartame) for the second
time, and made preparations to purchase Monsanto in 1985, taking the
company deeper into pharmaceuticals and the sweetener industry.
NutraSweet, saccharin's new competitor, was now owned and marketed by
the same company - Monsanto.

So, here is the answer why the saccharin manufacturers didn't cry
foul and fight back. Monsanto owned them both, and decisions were
made to sacrifice saccharin for NutraSweet, but not to completely
take saccharin off the market.
When Monsanto sold its sweetener business in 2000, including the
NutraSweet brand sweetener, the sale brought Monsanto $440 million.

As of 2003, saccharin is now sold without the cancer warning and
is being reintroduced into food products. I personally recommend
saccharin use over aspartame and sucralose, a chemical sweetener
compounded with chlorine. Natural sugars such as Sucanat and Stevia
are preferable over saccharin of course, but saccharin has less
harmful side effects than the more modern artificial sweeteners.
Saccharin does not completely digest in the human body and it's
by-products are, therefore, less harmful than aspartame or compounded

In modern society where diabetes and obesity are now epidemic, one
must be prudent in selecting sugar additives as a daily dietary
supplement. Research the natural alternatives and try to avoid all
man-made chemicals in your diet at all times.

The real winner in this sweetener war is the one who resists using
all chemical sweeteners.


It appears Splenda is fighting for the lead in the alternative
sweetener race. It will be interesting to see if Neotame pushes
Splenda out of contention as aspartame's dangers are becoming more
renown, and saccharin is back in the competition.
Neotame has changed hands from its original patent holder, Monsanto
Chemical Company, to The NutraSweet Co. to J. W. Childs Partnership
to Pharmacia, and now to Pfizer if Pharmacia's buy out is successful.


Neotame contains all the dangerous elements found in aspartame and
more: the amino acids L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine, plus two
organic functional groups, one known as a methyl ester group and the
other as a neohexyl group. These components are joined together to
form an incredibly sweet (13,000 times sweeter than sugar) and
potentially dangerous compound.

The FDA was petitioned in 1997 to approve neotame for use as a
tabletop sweetener. It's approval for public use was announced in
October, 2002 to be used in chewing gum, carbonated soft drinks,
refrigerated and non-refrigerated ready-to-drink beverages, frozen
desserts and novelties, puddings and fillings, yogurt-type products,
baked goods, and candies. Neotame does not have to carry the PKU
warning, as aspartame is required by law to do, so its addition to
all products can go without warning.

Sucralose (Splenda)

Sucralose (trichlorogalactosucrose) was approved by the FDA in
1988 as a tabletop sweetener and for use in a number of desserts,
confections, and nonalcoholic beverages. Sucralose is produced by
chlorinating sucrose (sugar); three chlorine atoms are substituted
for three hydroxyl groups. According to Consumers Research Magazine,
some concern was initially raised about sucralose being a chlorinated
molecule, as chlorinated molecules also serve as the basis for
pesticides such as D.D.T., accumulate in body fat, and are considered
to be carcinogens. However, the manufacturer Johnson & Johnson
has emphasized that "sucralose passes through the body unabsorbed."

Research animals fed sucralose exhibited the following symptoms:
shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage), enlarged liver and
kidneys, atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus,
reduced growth rate, decreased red blood cell count, hyperplasia
of the pelvis, extension of the pregnancy period, aborted pregnancy,
decreased fetal body weights and placental weights, and chronic

In the midst of the continued controversy over aspartame, many
pharmaceutical and health food manufacturers - Pro Lab, Twin Lab
and Ross Products, makers of Pedialyte - have switched to sucralose.

In this ever-continuing web of confusion over which chemical
sweeteners are safe to use, it might be best to return to natural
sweeteners and let the lab rats fight it out for you!


* Symptoms of mercury poisoning include headache, depression,
insomnia, anemia, and blue-black lines at the base of the teeth.

* One of the first symptoms of Fibromyalgia is a change in normal
sleep patterns. Persons with FMS generally have interrupted sleep
where they never get to Delta sleep, a state where the muscles repair

* Alcoholic drinks aggravate asthma due to sensitivity to the alcohol
itself, and also due to the many non-alcoholic components which
determine the flavor and character of the drinks such as sulfites
and histamine.

* A low back pain prevention program includes stretching the hamstring
and hip muscles, performing strengthening exercises of the abdominal
muscles, and possibly the most important preventative being aerobic
activity. When getting started on an exercise program when
experiencing low back pain, whichever movements that provide the greatest
range of motion with the least pain are the types of exercise that
should be instituted at the start of a back rehabilitation program.

* Cancer mortality studies examining solar ultra-violet-B radiation
between 1970 and 1994 showed solar ultraviolet-B radiation was
associated with a reduced risk of cancer of the breast, colon, ovary,
and prostate as well as non-Hodgkin lymphoma.


To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: I live on Equal

Q: Comments: I live on Equal. I use it on tomatoes, fruit, oatmeal,
cold cereal, peanut butter, cream cheese, etc. I have been using it
more than usual lately. I've been having problems. I have blurred
vision within 30 minutes of reading or being on the computer. I
have problems getting to sleep. I have leg pain at night and
stiffness through the day. Can't remember things. Thought all this
is old age creeping up on me, except my eyes. I was going to see
an eye doctor for this. I went to the eye doctor just last July
for new glasses, but I didn't have this blurred vision then.

A: Thank you for writing. I think your body has had enough of the
toxins from the aspartame found in Equal. I think you will enjoy
reading my book, SWEET POISON, as you'll think you're reading about
yourself. You are not crazy, even though the docs will lean that
way. It is the aspartame, and the body can only take so much of a
daily dose of poison. It isn't too late to repair damage done, but
I suggest getting off ALL aspartame and Equal, restoring any nutrients
the aspartame has depleted, and returning to a whole foods diet with
lots of bottled spring water. There are specific nutrients for the
eyes that will help repair damage, and let's hope your symptoms
completely disappear. Go to my newsletter archives and pull up the
article plus Did You Know section for advice on eye vitamins.

Wishing you well, and good luck.


To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: ADHD Stepson?

Q: I am going to get married in a few months and I will have the
privilege of having a stepson. The only thing is, I am worried
about him, he is four years old and has demonstrated abnormal behavior
for a few years now. They diagnosed him ADHD last month but his dad
and I don't feel that it is. How can this test help? What exactly
will it provide? His dad asked the doctor if he could do one and
he said that it wouldn't determine anything. Can you please help?

A: Congratulations on your up-coming marriage. I hope your future
husband appreciates your open-mindedness in helping his son. How
lucky they both are to have you.

Have your fiancé go to the FAQs page on the hair analysis site and
read some of the questions about 'why doctors don't do hair tests',
and 'should children with ADHD behavior have a hair test done?' I
think this will make him feel better. Doctors don't know anything
about how to use a hair analysis unless they are in forensic medicine.
But, that's no excuse. Hair tests are wonderful tools that reveal
so much about the nutrition fueling the body. I surmise your stepson
is toxic from pregnancy or possibly from inoculations or environment
after birth. (I hope I'm not getting too personal, but these would be
questions I'd ask if we were face to face.) If the child were always
like this, then we are looking at a pregnancy issue, but if it is
worsening over time, we're looking at inoculations or present environment.
He's reacting to something in diet or school or home, like mold or bad water.

I believe the hair analysis would be a good thing to have done on
the young one. It might turn his health around now instead of when
he's 18 and really toxic and rebellious. The docs want to get them
addicted to medications - it's a long-term investment for them at
the expense of the child. Also, go to my sweetpoison.com site on
the dangers of aspartame and children, especially those with ADHD

This can be helped tremendously through nutrition, and any good doctor
would be open to that possibility. After all, it's all for the benefit
of the child - as a parent, I'd try everything to see what works, and
I'd change pediatricians.

I hope this is of help.


To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: rheumatoid arthritis

Q. I write to you in regards to my sister in law. She has consumed
diet coke everyday for the past ten years. Recently she was diagnosed
with rheumatoid arthritis. Her symptoms were very painful walking,
joint pain, etc. The Dr's had no idea what was wrong with her. But
they determined that her rheumatoid numbers were high and they
diagnosed her. However, after learning about aspartame, I can't
help but wonder if this is the cause of her rheumatoid numbers being
high. Is this possible?? Does aspartame-poisoning mimic rheumatoid
arthritis? Please advise me at your earliest convenience. Thank you
very much.

A: I am so glad you emailed me, and what a good sister-in-law you
are. Yes, yes, and yes!!! Aspartame can mock rheumatoid for many
different reasons. It increases the body's pH (acidic) levels so
the nutrients never make it to the bone, as the body is too acid.
It also destroys the natural body balance of bone nutrients due to
the methanol levels. Methanol breaks down into formaldehyde - embalming
fluid. This is not good for the bones. And, if she has been
drinking that much daily, it has accumulated within her body and
created this reaction. I would suggest having her read SWEET POISON,
and if this doesn't open her eyes, we'll try another approach. But,
I think she'll see herself in my book, and will understand what
aspartame is doing to her body. Once off the aspartame, I would
put her on an alkalizing nutritional program and detox program.
I think she'll be a new person - thanks to you!!
Wishing you both the best.


To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: Residue In My Hair

Q: I'm having a problem with residue in my blond hair. The issue
has stumped our town's water dept who has tested our water several
times and my hair stylist. I've tried all kinds of products, but
still get a terrible build up on my hair. Even a water softener
and carbon filter on the showerhead have had little effect.

I'm hoping a hair analysis will answer the questions about what is
on my hair and causing the problems of a greenish hue, incredible
tangles and unhealthy look hair.

Since I don't have this problem when I shower outside of the home,
I think it's more of an external issue. Can you help?

A: It sounds as if an environmental toxin is present. Any mold
in the house or at work? Anything ambient from upwind factories
and the like? New commute route? It must be an external source
of some kind. Yet, if you have mercury or another toxin that is
close to the scalp, such as leaking teeth, this might be trying to
escape via the closest pores - head skin.

Yes, I think a hair test will be most prudent. It never hurts to
know what's going on within deep tissue. It shows things doctors
can never see from traditional testing. Go to my new site about
hair testing at http://www.hairanalysisprogram.com and see if this
answers more questions.

Wishing you the best.

To Your Health,
Janet Hull

Crockpot Chili Chicken

Level: 1 Pro/Fat
1 whole chicken     /     4 oz can diced green chilis
2 teaspoons chili powder     /     1/4 teaspoon cayenne powder
1 teaspoon cumin powder     /     1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil     /     2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 medium onion, diced     /     3/4 cup chicken broth


1. Place chicken in crockpot.
2. Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl and pour over the chicken.
3. Cook for about 8 hours on Low. The chicken will be falling off the
bones when you pull it out, but it will be moist and tender, and very

This is one of my family's favorite chicken recipes. When I make it,
I throw in a couple of extra boneless skinless breasts to use later
on salads.

From Rev. Carol Lockhart McClendon and friend Shirley
Dallas, Texas


Duck Delivery Has Recalled Cut Honeydew and Cut Cantaloupe Melon
Reason: Because they have the potential to be contaminated with
Listeria monocytogenes.
Distribution: Washington, Oregon and Idaho.


Land O'Lakes Has Recalled Salted Stick Butter
Reason: The product may contain small fragments of metal.
Distribution: AL, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MI, MA, MO, MS, MT, NE,
NC, ND, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, WI and Wyoming.


Toro Has Recalled Riding Lawn Mowers
Reason: The actuator arm could fail, resulting in a loss of
transmission control and risk of personal injury.
Distribution: Nationwide.


Illinois Firm Has Recalled Beef Products
Reason: May be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7.
Distribution: Nationwide and Canada.


Barr Laboratories Has Recalled Nortrel 7/7/7 28 Day Oral Contraceptive
Reason: Nortrel 7/7/7 28 day blister card may have tablets in the
wrong sequence.
Distribution: Undetermined.


Amerisource Health Services Has Recalled Premarin Tablets
Reason: Dissolution Failure: by manufacturer.
Distribution: Nationwide and Puerto Rico.


Pharmascience Has Recalled Rhinaris, Lubricating Nasal Mist
Reason: Microbial Contamination: Pseudomonas fluorescens.
Distribution: Nationwide.


Pacific Smoking Has Recalled Pacific Seafood Northwest Style Smoked Salmon
Reason: Because it has the potential to be contaminated with Listeria
Distribution: Washington and Oregon.


Creative Kids Has Recalled Children's Art Supply Sets
Reason: The sets contain mini-cutters with razor blades which pose a
laceration hazard to young children.
Distribution: Ohio and Kentucky.


Trisonic Has Recalled Nightlights
Reason: The nightlight poses a serious electrocution, electric shock,
burn and fire hazard to consumers.
Distribution: Eastern portion of the United States.


Florida Firm Has Recalled Pork Sausage Products
Reason: May be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.
Distribution: Florida.


Georgia Firm Has Recalled Chicken
Reason: May be contaminated with a foreign material, plastic.
Distribution: AL, FL, GA, IL, KY, MD, MS, MO, NC, TN and Texas.


Schwartz Appetizing Has Recalled Schmaltz Herring
Reason: Because it has the potential to be contaminated with Listeria
Distribution: Monroe and Brooklyn, New York.


Flowers Foods Has Recalled On Broad Street Bakery, Cobblestone Mill,
Country Farms, Flowers, And Winn-Dixie Brand Bakery
Reason: These products may contain small pieces of metal mesh screen.
Distribution: AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, TN, NC, VA, WV, KY, TX, NM, SC,
OK, KS, MO, and southern Ohio.


Last Issue:
- America's Need To Chew
- How Wrigley Makes Gum
- Xylitol - Sugarless Gum


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Copyright 2003 - SweetPoison.com
Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD, CN




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