April Issue: |
April 2003
Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN
By subscription only.
April showers bring May - allergies. Don't let
springtime get
you down with watery eyes and sneezing. I have
tips in this
month's Healthy Newsletter to get you through
this change
of seasons. Plus I have included some very interesting
pharmaceutical government recalls you should know
recalls of super potency and excessive doses of
defective drugs, mislabeled bottles, inadequate
and some medications that are contaminated with
Hope you enjoy this newsletter as much as I enjoyed
it to you.
To your health!
Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN
=> Allergy Tips for Spring
=> Sticky Fruit Labels
=> Did You Know?
=> Q & A with Dr. Hull
=> SafetyAlerts/Government Recalls
Sweet Poison is a must-read for anyone consuming
or drinks containing aspartame. It will open your
eyes to
what you're putting into your body and may save
your life
or the life of someone you love. Don't pick up
diet drink without reading about the "sweet
Click the link below to read more about Sweet
Most of us look forward to spring. But for many
people, the
beauty of springtime comes with a heavy price
to pay:
seasonal allergies. Warmer weather and dry winds
kick up
pollen, ragweed, and a host of other common allergens.
If you suffer from seasonal or perennial allergies,
you are one
of roughly 45 million Americans who suffer from
hay fever
or recurrent allergies. That means at any given
moment, one
out of every six people in America may be sneezy,
itchy, and
stuffed up - or sedated by the drugs that suppress
A team of researches from Finland found that
diet might
play a role in the increased incidence of allergies.
Their study found that children who eventually
allergies ate less butter and more margarine compared
children who did not develop allergies. The allergic
also tended to eat less fish, although this dietary
was less significant.
The study is not the first to suggest that certain
types of fatty
acids may play a role in the onset of allergic
Polyunsaturated fats like those in margarine are
thought to
promote the formation of prostaglandin E2, a substance
promotes inflammation and causes the immune system
release a protein that triggers allergic reactions.
Their results support the idea that the quality
of fat consumed
in the diet is important for the development of
allergic diseases
in children. So, no more trips to the donut shop
or fast food
breakfast take-out for you or the kids, especially
during allergy
season. Processed and packaged foods replete with
chemicals and preservatives will worsen allergy
The possibility of preventing allergic diseases
by vitamin
supplementation or by changing the fatty acid
composition of
the diet remains to be tested by clinical trials,
but when you
adjust your diet and your children's diet during
allergy season,
you may notice less sneezing, headaches, and watery
Here are some tips to reduce allergy symptoms:
Remove sugars and foods that turn to sugar quickly
along with
consuming less milk and creamy dairy products.
Don't skip meals. Skipping meals is one of the
worst things
you can do for your body. When you're hungry,
your blood
sugar drops, stressing your adrenal glands and
your sympathetic nervous system. This causes light-headedness,
cravings, anxiety and fatigue, AND an increase
in allergy
symptoms. So, eat steadily throughout the day.
Start each
morning with a good breakfast and "graze"
healthfully every
two to four hours so your blood sugar won't take
any sharp dips
and you'll feel more rested and energetic and
will be more
resistant to allergic reactions.
Remember my 75/25 Eating Plan and eat more raw
foods. Raw eggs may take some getting used to,
but they are
an inexpensive way to increase the amount of uncooked
and fat in your diet. And forget the myths of
their great risk:
the risk of salmonella from raw eggs is only 1
in 30,000, and
even that risk can be greatly avoided by carefully
examining the
eggs prior to eating them. Download my 75/25 pH
Balance Eating
Plan by visiting the following link:
Pay off your sleep debt. During sleep your adrenal
glands are
restored and repaired. Unfortunately, most of
us are on the go,
and end up getting less sleep than we need, night
after night.
The result - your adrenal glands stay depleted
and your immune
system stressed.
Avoid toxic chemicals. A variety of toxins in
foods and the
environment contribute to a heightened adrenal
response and
stress, which in turn, increases allergy symptoms.
Dust-proof your house and perhaps install an
air purifier. Look
for one that contains a HEPA filter to remove
even the smallest
of allergens. Avoiding animal dander is not always
possible if
you have indoor pets, but make your bedroom an
animal-free zone.
Do outdoor activities in the morning. Pollen
levels tend to be
higher in the afternoon and evening. Also, have
your lawn mowed
often. It will help control the pollen in the
air around your home.
Drink two quarts of clean water daily and three
quarts during
allergy season. When you're inadequately hydrated,
your body
releases histamine (the chemical that constricts
the airways
and causes allergy symptoms) as a way of preventing
loss through your lungs. The reverse is also true:
Water acts
as a natural antihistamine. Simply drinking plenty
of pure,
filtered water will help reduce the release of
histamine and
lessen your allergy symptoms.
Take acidophilus. A recent study conducted at
the University
of California in Davis found that people who ate
yogurt containing
live L. acidophilus and other bacterial cultures
every day had
significantly less hay fever. The beneficial bacteria
in yogurt boost
the production of gamma interferon, a powerful
immune protein
that fights off allergic reactions and infections.
Eat 1.5 to 2 cups
of yogurt a day for the greatest benefit. (Make
sure you don't
get sugar-free yogurt by mistake.) Or take an
supplement each morning on an empty stomach. Start
now -
it takes about three months to build up enough
Get natural relief from nutritional supplements.
vitamins, minerals, and herbs act as natural antihistamines
and help keep inflammation in check. Check with
nutritionist for specific recommendations.
Stay as chemical free as possible, eat whole
foods with
natural oils at every meal, drink plenty of water,
and keep
your vitamin supplements up during allergy season,
enjoy this beautiful season of new beginnings.
1 Allergy 2001;56:425-428
2 http://www.mercola.com/2002/nov/20/reduce_stress.htm
As much as we may dislike them, the stickers
or labels
attached to fruit speed up the scanning process
at checkout.
Cashiers no longer need to distinguish a Fuji
apple from a
Gala apple, a prickly pear from a horned melon,
or a grapefruit
from an ugli fruit.
They simply key in the PLU code - the price lookup
printed on the sticker - and the market's computerized
register identifies the fruit by its PLU.
The numbers also enable retailers to track how
well individual
varieties are selling.
For conventionally grown fruit, the PLU code
on the sticker
consists of four numbers. Organically grown fruit
has a
five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 9. Genetically
engineered fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced
by the number 8.
So, a conventionally grown banana would be 4011,
an organic
banana would be 94011, and a genetically engineered
would be 84011.
The numeric system was developed by the Produce
Identification Board, an affiliate of the Produce
Association, a Newark, Delaware based trade group
for the
produce industry. As of October 2001, the board
had assigned
more than 1,200 PLUs for individual produce items.
Fruit companies hear plenty of complaints from
about hard-to-remove stickers. Retailers gripe
that stickers
fall off or become marred during transport.
In response, some shippers have begun using stickers
with tabs that make them easier to lift off, and
are buying
equipment that applies adhesive to the sticker
but not to the tab.
Companies are also experimenting with different
sticker materials,
such as vinyl, that hold up under a variety of
temperature and
moisture conditions.
The adhesive now used to attach the stickers
is food-grade,
but the stickers themselves aren't edible. To
remove stubborn
ones, soak in warm water for a minute or two.
The good news about these pesty stickers is that
have a chance to tell if the fruit is genetically
engineered or not.
Go into your kitchen and read your stickers. Is
that fruit really
organic or gentically engineered?
The Philadelphia Inquire, Wed, Jun. 26, 2002
* Every year, four times as many Americans are
killed by
medical mistakes as were killed in the Vietnam
War, yet
media attention is not directed toward those who
died at the
hands of modern medicine as toward war.
* The "new - improved - longer lasting flavor"
Wrigleys Juicy
Fruit, Spearmint and Doublemint gums have added
in addition to sugar. It is in very fine print
at the bottom of
the back side of the packaging, but the gum is
not labeled
sugar-free. Also, Big Red gum has added Acesulfame
* Lutein and bilberry offer tremendous eye-sight
but you have to take the right dosage, and most
are not strong enough. The average adult needs
no less than
15 mg of the most potent lutein available and
an average of
320 mg. bilberry for better night vision, improved
to the eyes, retina support, and eye-tissue maintenance.
* Much recommended knee surgeries have been found
to be
less beneficial than doing nothing for the patient.
* Cotton growers regularly use chemicals that
have been
banned from use on food crops due to high levels
of toxicity.
Cotton crops consume 10% of the world's pesticides
and 25%
of its insecticides. Cotton is regulated as a
fiber and not a food,
even though a major part of the crop is destined
for human use.
* The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
the not-for-profit membership organization representing
specialty of pediatric dentistry, announced a
research and education partnership with the Coca-Cola
The AAPD will receive a $1 million research grant
from Coca-Cola,
the world's largest soft-drink manufacturer, to
support research
and public and professional educational programs
that will
promote improved dental health for children.
The partnership has been criticized by the U.S.
non-profit group
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI),
which voiced
concerns that Coca-Cola, whose products they say
cause tooth
decay, obesity and other health problems in children,
will have
a strong influence on the dental group.
However, AAPD said that Coca-Cola will have no
say in the
research specifics and that research will be conducted
independent, university researchers. Other money
from the
partnership will go toward educational efforts
aimed at children's
oral health.
Nonetheless, CSPI fears that, regardless of how
the grant
money is used, the partnership will make it unlikely
for the
AAPD to support ventures that go against Coca-Cola's
such as removing soft-drink machines from schools.
To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: Phenylalanine in nutrition drink
Q: I'm starting to get concerned ... I never
knew that
Phenylalanine was part of ASPARTAME ... you see
I'm a
distributor for a Nutritional Company in Dallas.
About 4 years
ago I joined the company because they have a beverage
that I loved ... it first contained only sugar
but did mention that
it had Phenylalanine, etc ... I never knew what
that was ... the
drink just kicked my brain in and I loved it ...
now about 2 years
ago they took the sugar out and now use SUCROLOSE
which I
did complain about ... I tried to stop using the
drink but said
Oh well. I will just deal with the change."
... now I think I'm
aware of changes in brain activity, etc ... and
then I started to
check what Phenylalanine was all about and WOW,
Holy Cow !!!
... I want to stop using the drink altogether.
I think I have the
will power to stop but would like to know what
else to do to
protect myself since I've used this drink for
some 4 years ...
please w/b ... thanks
A: Yes, Phenylalanine is 50% of ASPARTAME, which
is too much
for the human body. Phenylalanine should be given
to the
body in finite doses to feed the brain properly,
as any amino
acid does. Americans have made the mistake of
too many isolated amino acids to our detriment,
We are over-doing a good thing. Isolated aminos
are primarily
used in manufacturing as a 'passport' into the
Because the brain will accept amino acids as food,
chemicals attach to them for brain entry, such
as medications
the brain center would not normally accept. So,
we have
abused a natural transport system and are now
very ill because
of it. Go to this page on my site for some of
the aspartame
reactions too much Phenylalanine can create:
As a physically fit individual, you should feed
your body only
what is natural - forget the fake gimmicks and
artificial foods.
You're too healthy for that !! Avoid ALL food
chemicals and
watch your health improve quickly.
Wishing you well.
To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: 10 year old's baldness
I am hoping you can help me. I have a daughter
who will be
10 years old in September. To the average person
one would
say my daughter has beautiful hair and she does,
but I have
noticed, being a beautician, my daughter is and
has been losing
her hair for about a year and a half. Female pattern
runs in my family, my grandmother, mother, and
myself, but I
feel this is kind of young for a child to be going
through. She does
have routine blood work done with a school physical.
She was
very sick and on a lot of antibiotics for about
a year before her
tonsils were taken out, but this is still a continuing
thing. May I
please have your thoughts on this and if a hair
sample can
pinpoint this cause.
Thanking you in advance.
A: I agree that this is of concern. It's too
young at 10 to
be having pre-puberty problems, but it sounds
as if it may be
an early hormone related issue. Keep all food
chemicals out
of her diet, and make sure she is not under some
stress she
may not be sharing with you. Has she experienced
any trauma
as of late? Has her behavior changed any?
A multi-vitamin from the health food store would
be helpful five
days a week, and curb the soft drinks and sugary-foods.
aspartame, for sure. Liquid sea kelp is very good
for the growth
hormones and is natural and harmless supplement
for a child
her age. Get that at your local health store,
Put her on acidophilus on an empty stomach upon
This will re-balance her intestines after taking
the antibiotics.
Start five times a week, and wean back to every
other day
for the next few months. You may want to reintroduce
acidophilus when she starts puberty as a precaution.
A hair analysis is always helpful when mysteries
like this prevail.
To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: pH and infertility
Q: Dear Dr. Hull,
I have trying to discover if there could be a
connection with
pH balance and unexplained infertility. My physician
has not
been able to assist me with this question, nor
have any of my
physicians been able to diagnose the reason for
my infertility.
I never thought about pH until reading an article
about pH balance and diet. I am almost 42 and
realize that
time is running out but thought this would be
worth investigating.
Any information you may have on the subject would
be greatly
A: You may have some toxins deposited within
the uterine
area that can block egg/sperm connection. PH can
make a
difference if you're too acidic in the blood as
well. Buy some
pH strips from the drug store and test your urine
every morning
first thing. Normal body pH is 6.4. Nutritional
clays, green
drinks like Barley Greens, and a vegetarian diet
can increase
body pH. You can also buy pH drops at the health
food store.
One company is AEROBIC 7®, and Darius.com
also offers a
pH drop. Test your urine before you buy any of
these products,
though. If you are too acidic, 6.4 or lower, this
creates an
environment for disease, and if the doctors can't
find anything,
you may have some fungus or yeast in your system.
It wouldn't
hurt to do a parasite cleanse and a Candida cleanse.
You can
find information on Candida and the Candida Diet
on the Internet.
Good books are out on this, too. It's a good program
to follow
to get more alkaline.
Disease grows in acid, so you are right to get
your system more
alkaline. Also, clays and calcium in the form
of dolomite or coral
calcium are alkaline. Alkaline foods are your
fresh veggies, grains,
and some fruits like grapefruit. Coffee, colas,
concentrated fruit
juices are acidic, as well as heavy meats and
fats that are hard to
digest. And NO diet products. Keep sugar to a
minimum, but no
fake sugars, and lower all food chemicals. Watch
your fats, too.
Simply eat raw and fresh as much as possible.
To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: pH and infertility
Q: Dear Sir / Madam
I'm a g.c.s.e. student at Brimsham Green School,
Yate, Bristol,
England and I am doing a project on Healthy eating
and low fat
meals. I was enquiring if you could give me any
information on the subject especially on which
foods to eat
when eating a low fat diet.
Please could you e-mail me back if you can help?
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Amberley, Bristol
A: Amberley,
Good luck on your project. I have gone into detail
on healthy
eating in my book if you have a chance to read
it. Low fat foods
that are chemically altered mean nothing to the
body when it is
searching for real food in which to gather nutrients.
Most fat-free
low-fat manufactured products are filled with
plastic-based oils
that damage the liver and gall bladder. It's best
to stay with
natural butters and oils like seed oils. These
process all the way
through and excrete without adding fat or storing
The body also needs natural fat and sugar to
protect and fuel it.
The no sugar and no fat modern-day diets are really
hypes and are not healthy. This is why America
and most
modernized countries are really unhealthy and
people wind up
depending on medication and surgeries to keep
them alive.
The countries like China that eat natural diets
manufactured fake foods as a staple are much healthier
live longer doctor-free.
This is probably not what you expected to hear
from me, but I
believe it is a key to living a natural and balanced
life. Eat like
the animals in the wild do - they aren't fat !!
Good luck in your search for answers.
Dr. Janet Hull
Robins, A.H./Division of American Home Products
Has Recalled
Reason: Dissolution Failure: 5 hour time point.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Forest Pharmaceuticals Has Recalled Thyrolar
Reason: Superpotent; excessive tablet weight specification
Distribution: Nationwide.
SmithKline Beecham Has Recalled AVODART Soft
Reason: Mislabeled; blistercard labeling is incorrectly
as "Sample-Not for Sale".
Distribution: Nationwide.
Tyco Healthcare Has Recalled Conray
Reason: Misbranding; product has no immediate
bottle label.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Glaxo Smith Kline Has Recalled Nature's Remedy
Reason: Subpotent; active ingredient (Aloe) (stability
12 month
Distribution: Nationwide and Canada.
AmeriSource Health Services Has Recalled Estrace
Reason: Dissolution Failure: by manufacturer
(Bristol-Myers Squibb).
Distribution: Nationwide.
Novex Pharma Has Recalled Ophthalmic Solution
Reason: Defective container; insufficient tightness
of caps
resulting in evaporation of water in solution
which may
cause product to become super-potent.
Distribution: Nationwide and Puerto Rico.
L. Perrigo Has Recalled Children's Pain Reliever
Reason: Super-potency; inadequate validation of
Distribution: Nationwide, Canada and Poland.
Aaron Industries Has Recalled Antacid
Reason: Microbial contamination (Enterobacter
Citrobacter freundii, Klebsiella terrigena, Flavimonas
oryzihabitans and Salmonella arizonae).
Distribution: Nationwide.
Texas Firm Has Recalled Refried Beans With Chorizo
Reason: The refried beans do not contain 3 percent
which is required for a product to be labeled
as a meat product.
Distribution: nationwide
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Copyright 2003 - SweetPoison.com
Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD, CN