December Issue: |
December 2003
Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN
By subscription only.
Happy Holidays and wishing you, your family, and
friends a
safe and enlightened holiday season.
This newsletter marks one year of the Healthy
and I want to thank each of you for your interest
in learning
more about alternative medicine and the pursuit
of natural health.
All the best for a safe and 'Healthy' New Year.
To your health!
Dr. Janet Starr Hull and Staff
=> Cool Feedback
=> Splenda Interview
=> 'Sexy' Hormones - Part 4
=> A Healthy Prostate
=> Did You Know?
=> Q & A with Dr. Hull
=> This Month's Healthy Recipe
=> Safety Alerts/Government Recalls
Steps To Detoxification
Analysis Program
Since the advent of mirrors, we are all more
or less in touch
with our outward, physical appearance. Some people
barely give
their own appearance a second thought, while others
about their own and others' physical coverings:
too fat or too
thin; hair the wrong color, or too curly, or too
straight; skin
that is wrinkling, or too light, or too dark,
or not quite right
in some way. We can physically see our outer shell,
and so this
captures our attention, especially when we are
surrounded by
advertising and agreements that tell us what physical
is, and how important it is to have it.
Make the commitment to yourself this season to
direct your
vision inward, not just to your spirit, but to
the temple that
carries it. The wisdom of the universe lies within
your cells, and the
keys to your own happiness within your body. Making
contact with your physical body will help to unlock
the secrets
of the emotional and spiritual self. ˆ author
Splenda: Is It Safe Or Not?
The following interview was conducted with Janet
Starr Hull on
the safety of sucralose found in Splenda®.
Q: What exactly is Splenda?
A: In a simple sentence, you would just as soon
have a pesticide
in your food as sucralose because sucralose (Splenda)
is a
chlorocarbon. The chlorocarbons have long been
known for causing
organ, genetic, and reproductive damage. It should
be no surprise,
therefore, that the testing of sucralose reveals
that it can
cause up to 40% shrinkage of the thymus: a gland
that is the very
foundation of our immune system. Sucralose also
causes swelling
of the liver and kidneys, and CALCIFICATION of
the kidney.
Note: if you experience kidney pain, cramping,
or an irritated
bladder after using sucralose in Splenda, stop
use immediately.
Q: So sucralose is not found as a natural compound
in nature,
like real sugar?
A: Absolutely not. No sugar molecule is compounded
with chlorine
anywhere in nature.
Q: Do you know how it is made in the laboratory?
A: I found this information from a statement
from the manufacturer,
actually. 'Sucralose is made from sugar, but is
derived from
sucrose (sugar) through a process that selectively
three atoms of chlorine for three hydrogen-oxygen
groups on the
sucrose molecule. No artificial sweetener made
in the laboratory
is going to be neither natural to the body nor
safer than
unprocessed sugar', they claim.
People need to stop searching for excuses to
eat all the junk
food they want without penalty. In the long run,
no one benefits
from this product but the corporations.
Q: The corporate researchers claim that the chlorine
atoms are so
tightly bound; they create a molecular structure
that is
exceptionally stable under extreme pH and temperature
Do you agree?
A: They are testing these conditions in lab rats,
and these types
of corporate studies have forced and 'selective'
results, in my
opinion. Aspartame research is the proof of this!
Test these chemicals on a child and see how stable
it is - but
that would be cruel. So, why then do we buy it
and give it to
our children? I don't buy into manufacturers'
when it comes to human beings using ANY man-made
chemical. Plus,
I have learned over the past twenty-five years
of aspartame
research to value independent research above that
which is
funded by corporations.
Q: The corporations say sucralose is safe.
A: They said the same thing about aspartame, and
look at the rampant
disease and obesity taking over America since
aspartame was put into
the food supply over twenty years ago.
Q: Can sucralose cause cancer?
A: Any animal that eats chlorine (especially
on a regular basis)
is at risk of cancer. The Merk Manuel and OSHA
40 SARA 120 Hazardous
Waste Handbook states that chlorine is a carcinogen
and emergency
procedures should be taken when exposed via swallowing,
or through the skin.
It all depends upon how much you use and how
often, your present
and past health status, and the degree of other
toxins you are
putting inside your body. Good luck with this
Q: Sucralose has been thoroughly tested, they
claim. Actually they
have stated that sucralose is the most tested
food additive in
history. I quote, "...more than 100 studies
on the safety of sucralose
designed to meet the highest scientific standards
have been
conducted and evaluated over the course of 20
years. "
A: I don't believe that for a second. They stated
verbatim the same
thing about aspartame. We are looking at the same
scenario in so
many ways. As with NutraSweet - no human studies,
corporate payrolled
researchers, selective result reporting, government
involvement and
personal financial interests and controlled media.
I will say that
sucralose is not as dangerous as aspartame.
Q: Splenda is approximately 600 times sweeter
than sugar. How
can that be?
A: As I stated before, the product is a forced
product, not a
natural sugar the body uses for fuel. People forget
that sweetness
is a by-product of foods; a bonus so to say. Forced
revved-up sweetness, and artificial sweetness
- all altered foods
that are a trap for people to get addicted to
the sweeter tastes.
People with eating disorders, children who are
just learning about
food, and people with illnesses are all being
'sold a bill of
rubbish' in my opinion.
Q: The manufacturer claims sucralose doesn't
react with other
substances in the body and is not broken down
in the body.
A: They claimed the same thing about saccharin,
even though I
feel saccharin is the only artificial sweetener
with true merit.
To answer your question, if the body is digesting
properly, anything
you put into the body will be assimilated. If
it happens to be
rancid, the stomach will throw it out immediately
by vomiting or
diarrhea. It is totally out of the realm of biological
science to
think the body will not immediately attack a toxic
Henceforth, migraines from aspartame and diarrhea
from Splenda.
Now, to add a note to this: if the body is fed
an indigestible
product such as plastic (like in margarine) that
it is incapable
of dissolving through normal digestion, it will
pass through
undigested (if it doesn't get stuck in the gall
bladder, that
is.) So, if sucralose is indigestible due to its
compounding, then we have yet another serious
health problem
to consider, don't you think?
Technology is great, but we sure don't need to
be eating it!
Q: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and
government food
authority committees and the Health Ministries
in countries
such as Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica,
& Tobago, Argentina, and Brazil have confirmed
the safety of
sucralose. So have the countries of Colombia,
Peru, Venezuela,
Uruguay, Romania, Lebanon, Qatar, Bahrain, Pakistan,
China, South Africa, and Tanzania. What do you
think of all
these countries confirming Splenda's safety?
A: The history of aspartame has unfortunately
proven that
individuals within government agencies cannot
and should not
be trusted to make such empowering public decisions
closed doors.
Now, re-read this list of countries... Mexico,
Jamaica, Tajikistan
and Tanzania? These are the countries in which
Splenda is
now marketed? (See the final question.) As an
geographer, I can comfortably say that these countries
not nations with the same technology and mass
strategies to be compared with the United States.
countries are more concerned with birth control,
food staples,
hostile take-overs, and drought - not diet sweeteners.
Compare apples to apples.
Q: Is sucralose safe for children?
A: The manufacturer actually made this statement
for disclosure:
"One should note, however, that foods made
with low-calorie
sweeteners are not normally a recommended part
of a child's
diet, since calories are important to a growing
child's body."
Pay attention....Children should not be encouraged
to grow-up on
fake foods. But just like cigarettes and alcohol,
do what I say
and not what I do? And we wonder why the younger
generation is
angry, ill, and ridden with ADD/ADHD and diabetis??
How many
kids do you see taking a sip of mom or brother's
diet cola?
Q: Who manufactures and markets sucralose?
A: McNeil Specialty Products Company (MSPC), a
wholly owned
subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, along with
Tate & Lyle PLC,
a world leader in sweeteners and starches, all
share responsibility
for developing and manufacturing sucralose for
commercial use.
Sucralose is the first product from McNeil Specialty,
whose mission
is to develop and market innovative food ingredients
that help
consumers control, maintain and improve their
health. Internationally,
McNeil Specialty markets sucralose in the United
States, Canada,
Latin America, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand,
and the
Middle East; Tate & Lyle markets sucralose
in Africa, Asia,
Europe and Canada. Internationally, McNeil Specialty
sucralose under the name SPLENDA® Brand Sweetener.
is a registered trademark of McNeil Specialty
Products Company.
Testosterone - The 'Sexy' Hormone
A product of DHEA and progesterone, testosterone
takes credit for
the human sex drive - or lack of, as the case
may be. Testosterone
is the most critical hormone involved in the human
sex drive - in
both men and women. Testosterone also supports
bones and muscle,
as well as the cardiovascular system.
At puberty and throughout the reproductive years,
twenty times more testosterone is produced in
males than in females.
Through childhood development and male puberty,
testosterone along
with DHT (dihydrotestosterone) are responsible
for the development
of secondary male sexual characteristics such
* Increased muscle and bone mass
* Hair growth
* Sperm production
* Genital size
* Male behavior
Testosterone levels reach their peak in twenty
to thirty year old
males and decline with each passing decade. In
men, low testosterone
levels have been linked to:
* Decreased sex drive
* Impotency
* Infertility
* Abnormal breast enlargement
* Fatigue
* Depression
* Lowered motivation
* Irritability
* Weight gain
* Decreased body hair
* Shrinking of the testes
* Anemia
* Thinning of the skin with increased wrinkle
* Decreased muscle size and strength
* Increased risk for osteoporosis and prostate
In females, testosterone is required for:
* Proper musculo-skeletal development
* General anabolic activity
* Libido
Testosterone is the most important hormone for
maintaining a sex
drive in women and a deficiency can cause impaired
sexual function.
Testosterone decreases with age in both men and
women, and
supplementation has been used successfully for
the treatment of some
post-menopausal symptoms such as:
* Lack of libido
* Anemia
* Muscle weakness
Testosterone supplementation has been shown to
cause a gain in lean
body mass and a possible decline in bone loss
when used in elderly
How To Have A Healthy Prostate
Some natural supplements you can take for prostate
health are:
1. Saw Palmetto berries extract (not the powder)
with 85%-95%
fatty acid content.
2. Urtica Dioica (the root, not the leaves).
3. African Pygeum (the bark, which contains the
beneficial sterols)
from regulated and legally harvested trees in
4. Zinc. The prostate requires ten times more
zinc than any other
organ in your body, but if you don't get the right
kind of zinc,
your body won't absorb it. Zinc 'piccolinate'
has been shown in
laboratory tests to shrink a swelling prostate.
I recommend taking
50 mg. of zinc piccolinate before bed five times
a week, if your
hair analysis shows you to be low in zinc.
5. Lycopene: The best-known antioxidant for your
prostate. You'll
find it in tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables.
6. Selenium: an important antioxidant. Men who
live in areas of
the USA where the soil is rich in selenium have
lower rates of
prostate cancer. I recommend 200 to 400 mcg every
other day.
7. Vitamins A & E: Two important antioxidants
that work together
to fight free radicals that deposit within the
prostate gland.
Vitamin E also improves the function of your immune
system. A
recent study in Finland found a 33% reduction
in the rate of
prostate cancer in men who took vitamin E, compared
to men who
took a placebo. I recommend 10,000 IU A and 800
IU E every
other day.
As men age, their testosterone levels fall severely
and the
incidence of prostate disease goes up accordingly.
The higher
the testosterone, the lower the rate of prostate
If a man has prostate cancer, I highly recommend
he test his
level of testosterone. If it is low, I recommend
raising it by
supplementing with the nutrients listed above
or taking melatonin,
pregnenolone, and using transdermal progesterone
A Harvard Medical School study found that men
with low testosterone
had the most advanced prostate cancers. They studied
men with
prostate cancer and measured their free, bioavailable
levels - not their bound unavailable levels.
They stated: "In our study, patients with
prostate cancer and
low free testosterone had more extensive disease.
In addition,
all men with a biopsy Gleason score of 8 or greater
had low
serum free testosterone. This finding suggests
that low serum
free testosterone may be a marker for more aggressive
"However, in patients with low versus normal
free testosterone
there were an increased mean percent of biopsies
that showed
cancer (43% versus 22%) and an increased incidence
of a biopsy
Gleason score of 8 or greater (7 of 64 versus
0 of 48). The lower
the free testosterone level the more aggressive
the growth of
the cancer."
Testosterone levels can be tested using hormone
saliva tests, and
begin a preventative program so to have a healthy
* Astragalus (Chinese milk vetch root) is an
herbal remedy that is
highly effective in treating and preventing the
Astragalus induces the production of interferon
in the body,
especially at the mucosal surfaces where it is
particularly helpful.
Echinacea can also be used, but may have more
side effects, especially
for people with autoimmune diseases or chemical
* Lecithin for flu prevention: lecithin alters
the calcium/phosphorus
balance in the body that can deny the flu virus
the type of phosphorus
it needs to replicate. One capsule every hour
for five hours has been
known to knock the flu out.
* One out of every two men will suffer prostate
problems after age
50. And that number will climb as high as 90%
of men in their 70s
and 80s if detoxification and prevention measures
are not taken.
* Like drugs, vitamins and supplements should
be kept away from
heat, humidity, and direct light. If you notice
a change in the
odor, taste or appearance of a supplement (or
a drug), discard it
regardless of the expiration date.
* If you store your supplements and medications
properly, many of them can still be effective
after the expiration
* Everyone knows that calcium is necessary to
help form the tooth
enamel that protects against cavities. But calcium
can't do the
job alone. In fact, without the assistance of
magnesium, calcium
only supplies soft enamel, which isn't strong
enough to battle
tooth decay. Magnesium and calcium together are
essential to create
hard enamel and healthy teeth.
* New research conducted by the USDA shows black
tea may lower
blood levels of low-density "bad" cholesterol
(LDL) as much as
11% without reducing heart-healthy HDL cholesterol.
* Cornell University studies found a cup of cocoa
(natural cocoa
without added process sugars) has a higher antioxidant
than green tea or red wine.
* According to an Oct. 2, 2003 article in Slate
Magazine, the
parents of a girl are significantly more likely
to divorce than
parents of a boy. The number grows even larger
when more female
children are tossed into the mix - parents of
three girls are
twice as likely to divorce than parents of three
* Most candles are made of paraffin, a petroleum
containing eleven different toxins. Breathing
in the soot released
by paraffin is as dangerous as inhaling second-hand
smoke. Scented
paraffin candles are worse.
* Recent FDA testing indicated that canned albacore,
known as
white tuna, contains almost three times as much
mercury as
canned light tuna.
* When Teflon coated pans reach 554-degrees,
ultra-fine particles
start coming off the pan. The particles can imbed
in the lungs
and lead to "Teflon Flu", flu-like symptoms
including headache,
backache, and a temperature between 100 and 104
Subject: arsenic poisoning
Q: Dear Dr. Hull,
I have been diagnosed with arsenic poisoning.
I need to know how to
detox this out of my body. The insurance company
is giving me
trouble, also my employer. I worked in a chemical
plant all my life.
A: I have worked with several people along the
Texas coast with
arsenic poisoning from their water, all tied into
refineries. I
would recommend downloading the detox eBook and
this will tell you
exactly what to do and why. Go to this link for
info on the program:
You can remove the arsenic within weeks using
this detox program,
as I have seen many people do it.
I recommend getting the book and using it as
a reference guide.
Do you need lab evidence that you have high arsenic?
The hair
analysis will provide that, and it will stand
up in court.
Subject: food allergies
Q: I used to subscribe to the idea that I craved
what my body
needed until I met a doctor who said that quite
often you are allergic
to the foods that are your favorite and you crave.
My favorite food
is spinach, which is a good source of lithium,
which my hair results
show I really need. Is there any validity to what
this guy said or
can I forget about him and think he was a quack?
A: Well, I disagree with that doctor's opinion
for two reasons:
1) If the body is digesting all proteins properly,
there are no such
things as allergies.
2) The body does crave the nutrients it needs
by instinct. All other
animals do this, humans are no exception. Your
body will "tell" you
what nutrients it needs and what foods those nutrients
are found in
by cravings. This happens during pregnancy all
the time.
3) We must never stop "listening" to
our bodies.
Subject: filtered water
Q: I do filter my water and I drink spring water.
Is that ok or
should I only drink spring water? If so, what
A: Evian is the best bottled water to buy when
out of the house,
and Mountain Valley is the best brand in the south-southeast
keep in bottles at home. Research the source of
any local companies
around you and try to find a source that is truly
a natural spring.
Spring water is by far the best source of water
and minerals the
body needs to stay properly hydrated.
Subject: Where do I find the best detox supplements?
Q: I am having a hard time finding some of the
stuff you recommend
and was wondering if there was a website I could
go to as I did not
notice a link on your site and when I put in the
names of the companies
I have no luck.
A: My vitamins for the detox program will be
available on my site
and on in a couple of weeks. I was given
the opportunity
to compound my vitamins with an excellent chemist
in Colorado so to
make it easier for people to locate them, especially
for my clients
in other countries and rural areas of the USA.
Check at the end of
the month for the links on my website, but you
can call Bob Esh at
Renewal & Wellness 866-776-8623 to get food
grade French Green clay
in capsule form, the Detox-C, the digestive enzymes,
and the pure
niacin. They will ship directly to you.
To Your Health,
Janet Hull
Two 'Nutty' Recipes For The Kids
Almond Butter And Sliced Bananas
Spread 1/3-cup nut butter on whole grain bread.
Add banana slices or 100% fruit jam.
Other nut butters can be substituted such as
cashew, sunflower,
hazelnut, or natural peanut butter.
Be sure there are no other added ingredients
in the nut butter or
fruit jam. It's a P&J that's healthy for anyone,
Honey Nut Butter Dressing
2 oz. Tahini or natural peanut butter
Juice from 1/2 lemon
1 tsp. Honey
Water to thin the mix to a creamy, pourable consistency
Blend ingredients together and pour over salad.
What a great way
to turn kids on to the greens !
>From Eat Smart, A Guide To Good Health For
Kids by Dale Figtree, PhD.
SafetyAlerts/Government Recalls
Abbott Laboratories Has Recalled 0.9% Sodium Chloride
Reason: Mislabeled; incorrect bar code on overwrap
of the product.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Schwarz Pharma Has Recalled Levsin Elixir
Reason: Mislabeled front label incorrectly states
the product
strength as 0.125 mg/mL rather than correctly
as 0.125 mg/5 mL.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Amerisource Health Services Has Recalled Premarin
Reason: Dissolution failure (by manufacturer Wyeth).
Distribution: Nationwide.
King Pharmaceuticals Has Recalled Levoxyl Tablets
Reason: Tablet mixup; bottles labeled to contain
Levoxyl 112 mcg were
found to contain Levoxyl and Soloxine 0.2 mg tablets
Distribution: Nationwide.
Par Pharmaceutical Has Recalled Amiloride Hydrochloride
Reason: Mislabeled; Bottle labeled as containing
5 mg Amiloride
Hydrochloride tablets actually contains Minoxidil
2.5 mg tablets.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Albers Medical Distributors Has Recalled LIPITOR
Reason: Counterfeit product.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Pfizer Has Recalled Actifed Cold & Allergy
Reason: Misbranding; some of the dosing information
and/or ingredient
listing information may be missing from the carton.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Abbott Laboratories Has Recalled Vicodin HP Tablets
Reason: Mislabeling: Extended expiration date-product
declares expiration date as 6/2006 rather than
the correct date of
Distribution: Nationwide.
Abbott Laboratories Has Recalled Tarka Tablets
Reason: Mislabeling: Extended expiration date-product
declares expiration date as 12/2004 rather than
the correct date of
Distribution: Nationwide and Puerto Rico.
Syntho Pharmaceuticals Has Recalled SYNTEST
Reason: Subpotency: finished product and/or content
Distribution: Nationwide.
Mallinckrodt Has Recalled Products
Reason: Mislabeling: Entrobar labeled bottles
may contain Entrocel
(clear liquid) or Entrocel labeled bottles may
contain Entrobar (milky-white
Distribution: Nationwide.
Lilly, Eli & Co Has Recalled Sterile Diluent
for Humulin L
Reason: Mislabeling: Entrobar labeled bottles
may contain Entrocel
(clear liquid) or Entrocel labeled bottles may
contain Entrobar (milky-white
Distribution: Nationwide.
Watson Diagnostic Has Recalled Mexiletine Hydrochloride
Reason: Particulates: vials exhibit white particles/white
on vial wall which does not resuspend.
Distribution: Nationwide, Canada and Japan.
Walsh Southwest Has Recalled Zyprexa Tablets
Reason: Capsule Defects: Split or broken capsules.
Distribution: Nationwide.
Last Issue:
- Fat Burning Foods
- Personal Hormone Profile Part 3
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articles. You are welcome to link your website
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Steps To Detoxification
Analysis Program
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Copyright 2003 -
Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD, CN