SweetPoison Newsletter - March 2003

Newsletter Archives
/ March Article 2003

March 2003

Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN
By subscription only.


Spring is around the corner, and March's Healthy Newsletter
is budding with healthy news. Thanks to all of you who have
contacted me and spread the word about my newsletter and
the dangers of aspartame. I am currently finishing a new
book on detoxification and want to remind everyone that the
French Green Clay in my Detoxification Program is proven to
remove radiation poisoning. It doesn't hurt to have an extra
bottle on hand to keep your body detoxed from airborne

To your health!
Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN


=> Mind-Body Healing
=> Cleanses and Vitamins Don't Mix
=> Did You Know?
=> Q & A with Dr. Hull
=> SafetyAlerts/Government Recalls


Sweet Poison is a must-read for anyone consuming food
or drinks containing aspartame. It will open your eyes to
what you're putting into your body and may save your life
or the life of someone you love. Don't pick up another
diet drink without reading about the "sweet poison."
Click the link below to read more about Sweet Poison:



Can emotions affect your health? You bet. Can your state
of health affect your emotions? Absolutely.

In the past, nutritionists were known as the wise men. They knew how to heal the body and soul. Many cultures refer to natural healers as prophets and shamans. Natural
healers have been identified throughout centuries as the
spiritual leaders, the enlightened ones, and seers. They
were the Merlins, the Albert Einsteins, and the Medicine men.

The concept of disease has changed over time. Early man
tended to view disease as divine intervention. Modern
knowledge taught human beings to accept disease as a
natural process. Today, disease is epidemic and understood and manipulated at the cellular level.

The World Health Organization reports: "Until recently the
health professions have largely followed a medical model
which seeks to treat patients by focusing on medicines and surgery only, and gives less importance to beliefs and to faith in healing, in the physician and in the doctor-patient
relationship. This view is no longer satisfactory. Patients
have begun to realize the value of elements such as faith,
hope, and compassion in the physical healing

In a British study, 93 percent of patients with cancer said
that a connection to religion helped sustain their hopes in
physically healing. Such high figures deserve our attention.
It is important to become aware of the influence emotions
have on the physical body and how illness can affect
emotional health.

A 60 to 80 percent relationship has been found correlating
better health with religion or spirituality; studies covering
heart disease, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease,
immunological dysfunction, cancer, mortality, pain and
disability. Certain behaviors such as exercise, smoking,
substance misuse, burnout, and family and marital
breakdown has been shown to contribute to physical
breakdowns and illness. Depression, anxiety, suicide, and
personality problems can be prevented by improving
physical health. The Mind-Body healing experience goes
hand in hand.

Healing entails the restoration of psychobiological integrity
with the implication of personal growth and a sense of
renewal. Emotional values and nutritional skills are
increasingly recognized as necessary aspects of clinical care. Proper nutrition and identifying the sources of physical body imbalances can be directly related to emotional stress. By increasing a state of health and wellness, emotional wellness can be strengthened as well.

Compare emotional therapy with nutrition; neither is a
subject that healthcare providers can take for granted.
Inadequate nutrition is costly. If people are not fed properly,
resistance weakens and wounds do not heal. Evidence is
growing in volume and quality that this applies to emotional sustenance, too.

Nutritional care promotes the healthy grieving of loss and
the maximizing of personal potential. It provides a sense of
meaning resulting in renewed hope and peace of mind,
enabling people to accept and live with otherwise insoluble problems. Physical and emotional stress provides all concerned with particular opportunities for healing, personal development, and spiritual growth. Improved outcomes naturally follow.

Many see emotional therapy and medicine as peripheral to
one another, yet emotional and nutritional care belong
together. The time is now for all doctors and therapists to
recall, reinterpret, and reclaim our profession's sacred
dimension. Mind-Body healing is the connection for total


British Medical Journal December 21, 2002;325:1434-1435 Recommend reading, Dr. Daniel Benor, Spiritual Healing: Scientific Validation of A Healing Revolution. Dr. Benor's book contains 124 scientific studies supporting various methods of spiritual healing.


It's best to not take vitamin supplements within 45 minutes
of taking a fiber supplement or detoxification product,
especially when using timed released vitamins and minerals.

The fiber can interfere with the supplements' absorption,
especially those that are oil-soluble, and detoxification
products may remove vitamin supplements along with the
toxins they are eliminating from the body before the body
has a chance to assimilate the nutritional supplements.
In other words, let any fiber cleanse or detoxification
program do it's job before you add supplements required
for a balanced state of wellness.

The best advice is take your multi-vitamin and additional
supplements with your lowest fiber meal. Fiber is great
for moving the contents of your digestive tract along,
but mixing fibers such as psyllium husk or ground flax
seed with other supplements, including vitamins, minerals, and herbs, will dispose of them before they have a chance to be digested and assimilated within the body. The same principle applies to detoxification components.

I recommend taking your natural vitamin and mineral
supplements with breakfast or early in the day, and taking
fibersupplements later in the day or before bed. This
provides the body with needed fuel to operate efficiently
during the daytime hours. Then, stop ingesting all food
substances that require digestion around 6:00 to 7:00 P.M.
so to allow the body to repair and restore the body
systems and respective organs, and to properly cleanse
the colon.

Consider the same for any detoxification program and
Detox supplements you may be taking. It is important to
let the detoxification components scour toxins from the
body before additional nutritive supplements are added.
This way, they don't get in one another's way.

Your body requires an uninterrupted period of time to
eliminate the food stuffs it has been given during the day
in order to apply the nutrient intake to the body. This
allows the proper time required for the body to repair
and restore the organs and body systems during the night,
making it ready for a healthy new day when awakening
the next morning.

The types of foods eaten each day vary greatly but there
is almost 24 hours required to complete digestion and
some foods have a longer digestion time, such as peanuts.

According to Chinese medicine, the night and early morning hours before approximately 5:00 A.M. are passive times of the day when the digestive organs need rest. The liver in particular needs time to complete numerous metabolic functions unhampered by digestive activity, so don't eat too late at night. When late meals are eaten, digestive activity, liver cleansing, and blood purification are interrupted.

The body's internal organs are set for peak activity times
during two-hour intervals. For example, the liver's most
active time to cleanse and restore is between 1:00 and
3:00 A.M.; the stomach's most active time is from 7:00 to
9:00 A.M.

An organ's activity period is approximately 12 hours away
from its peak restorative interval. So, if the stomach's
activity time to heal and restore is from 7:00 to 9:00 A.M.,
it's cut-off for eating activity is 12 hours earlier, from 7:00
to 9:00 P.M.

This is one reason you may wake up hungry, but also why
it is important to have one of your biggest and most
nutritious meals early in the day, around 12:00 noon.

Be aware of mixing your vitamins and fiber, and eat your
larger meals earlier in the day for optimum health. Keep
taking fiber supplements and eating fiber-rich meals, but
take your vitamins with your lowest fiber meal of the day
and eat lighter meals by 6:00 P.M. A positive side-effect -
you'll lose weight and burn more fat, naturally.


* Trimming your weight will decrease your chances of heartdisease and diabetes, even if it's genetic.

* A severe deficiency of Vitamin B1, also called thiamine, is
associated with diseases of the nervous system and poor
digestion, resulting in overall poor health.

* Individuals who take antibiotics or oral contraceptives,
drink alcohol daily, or exercise heavily each day have
increased needs for vitamin B2, known as riboflavin.

* Melatonin is not only a safe sleep aid, but has proven
benefits in preventing jet lag.

* During 2001 there were over 1575 automobile products
recalled in the United States for safety reasons.


To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: Green Clay

Q: I have two questions. 1) Based upon your advice,
I have been mixing 1 tablespoon of French Green Clay in
about 8 ounces of water and drinking this in the evening
on an empty stomach. The information on your web site
indicated that the more clay a person consumes, the faster
they detox. So, is the amount that I am using (from above)
sufficient or would it be better to mix more clay in the 8
ounces of water, or maybe take the mixture twice a day?

A: As long as it isn't too much for the system to eliminate
efficiently and you're not getting constipated, taking it twice
a day is fine. Sometimes removing the toxins faster than
the body can get rid of them is an issue for some people.
You may experience headaches, flu-like symptoms, or
constipation. Simply keep the input equal to the output and
you'll stay in balance. Just know that the clay will remove
most all toxins, bacteria, yeast, and parasites, and
witnessing this with your own eyes may be surprising,
to say the least.


Q: 2) Is it alright to use TIMED release vitamin C
(as ascorbic acid) as compared to non timed release vitamin C? I am using a "Solaray" product called "Buffered Super Bio C" (ascorbic acid with Rose Hips) which also contains Bioflavanoid Concentrate, Rutin Concentrate, Hesperidin Concentrate, Pectin, and the buffering base contains Magnesium Stearate, Calcium Carbonate, and Magnesium Oxide. Is this formula ok?

A: This type of 'timed released' vitamin C is slightly
different from the chemical altering of time released products such as most medications or timed released niacin, even though I'm not a fan of any time released products. Those products have been 'forced' to not dissolve and assimilate immediately, as is what they are supposed to do upon reaching the liver and bloodstream when in a healthy nutritional setting. These altered products are actually toxic to the liver. I always prefer the 'real thing' and avoid any product that isn't in it's optimum natural state. No foods found in nature have a timed-release to them, they simply digest as soon as they get consumed.

Buffered vitamin C will not be as strong and effective as
an unaltered one, so in a perfect situation, I would search
for a non-buffered ascorbic acid not from corn. The one I
have been the most happy with is the NutriBiotic Brand.
NOW has a good one, also. So, I don't think you're
harming your liver, but then again, it's not going to be as
naturally effective as an unaltered ascorbic acid and not as
strong at removing body toxins.


Q: 2) Is it alright to use TIMED release vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) as compared to non timed release vitamin C? I am using a "Solaray" product called "Buffered Super Bio C" (ascorbic acid with Rose Hips)which also contains Bioflavanoid Concentrate, Rutin Concentrate, Hesperidin Concentrate, Pectin, and the buffering base contains Magnesium Stearate, Calcium Carbonate,and Magnesium Oxide. Is this formula ok?

A: This type of 'timed released' vitamin C is slightly different
from the chemical altering of time released products such as aspirin or timed released niacin, even though I'm not a fan of any time released products. Those products have been 'forced' to not dissolve and assimilate immediately, as is what they are supposed to do upon reaching the liver and bloodstream when in a healthy nutritional setting. These altered products are actually toxic to the liver. I always prefer the 'real thing' and avoid any product that isn't in it's optimum natural state. No foods found in nature have a timed-release to them, they simply digest as soon as they get consumed.

Buffered vitamin C will not be as strong and effective as an unaltered one, so in a perfect situation, I would search for a non-buffered ascorbic acid not from corn. The one I have been the most happy with is the NutriBiotic Brand. NOW may have a good one, also. So, I don't think you're harming your liver, but then again, it's not going to be as naturally effective as an unaltered ascorbic acid and not as strong at
removing body toxins.

To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: Bone-Up

Q: Is it safe for me to take Bone Up® every day, twice
a day? My husband is taking it once a day. I just didn't
know how long I should take it. Can a person get too much
of it? Thanks.

A: The Bone-Up is soooo good. You can get too much
when your bones start growing past their limits. They'll get
so strong, your bone density will be that of a 20 year old.
For now, take half doses five times a week, and you should
be fine. You don't need any other calcium when you take
Bone-Up. (Bone-Up is a product made by Jarrow Formulas, www.Jarrow.com)


To: jshull@sweetpoison.com
Subject: Serotonin

Q: Hi Jan! Thanks for the newsletter. I do have a
question for you. How would you check a persons
Serotonin levels? My daughter, Katrina, seems to have
the problems you mention, occasionally. Are there other
symptoms to look for?

A: Glad you emailed. Good question and one that
makes sense. For Katrina to have reacted SO strongly
to aspartame means she has a super sensitivity to serotonin receptors. Makes sense. So, all excitotoxins like MSG and food colorings on top of aspartame will affect her adversely. Usually when a serotonin imbalance is present, zinc and magnesium are depleted. You may want to supplement that five times a week - magnesium malate is really good and the dose on the bottle is fine for her. Then 30 mg of zinc before bed. You could try a serotonin inhibitor like 5-HTP in the day and then melatonin at night. This might set her clock straight. One bottle of each won't hurt to try. If she has any reaction that's scary, just stop. But, it might just make a huge difference.

Let me know if this makes a difference. Look up 5-HTP on
the web and see if this might help.

Dr. Janet Hull


Playnation Play Systems Has Recalled "Fun Buckets" on Backyard Play
Reason: As children play on the play set's slide or platform, the 6-
to 8-ft free-hanging rope can become entangled around the child's
Distribution: nationwide


RSJ, Inc. Has Recalled Nature-Thyroid NT-2
Reason: Mislabeled bottles labeled to contain Nature-Thyroid NT-2
(129.6mg) actually contains Nature-Thyroid NT-1 (65mg).
Distribution: Nationwide.


Kellogg Co. Has Recalled Kellogg brand Pop-tarts, frosted brown sugar
Reason: The product contained undeclared egg.
Distribution: Nationwide.


Re-Vita Manufacturing Has Recalled Grape flavor Dietary Supplement
labeled in part: 'Nutrients From Nature Liqua Spirulina Energy Booster
Reason: The product contained an undeclared color, FDC Red #40.
Distribution: To be determined.


Serono Laboratories Has Recalled Gonal-F
Reason: Lack of assurance of sterility for the co packaged pre-filled
diluent syringes (manufactured by Schering Plough Corporation)
co packaged with Gonal-F.
Distribution: Nationwide.


Schwarz Pharma Has Recalled Codimal DM Syrup
Reason: Cross contamination-product contains traces of iron from
another oral iron product.
Distribution: Nationwide and Guyana, Jamaica, Peru, Dominican
Republic, Chile, and Uruguay.


Pel Associates Has Recalled Skin Conditioner
Reason: Failure to comply with Good Manufacturing Practice
Regulations including performance of finished product assays &
manufacturing validation.
Distribution: Nationwide.


Random House Has Recalled Children's Board Book Sets
Reason: The plastic snaps can detach, posing a choking hazard to
young children.
Distribution: nationwide


The Betesh Group Has Recalled "Busy Bug" Plush Toys
Reason: The antennae of the plush toy can be chewed or pulled off,
posing a choking hazard to young children.
Distribution: nationwide


Murray Has Recalled Riding Lawn Tractors
Reason: The fuel tank can crack and leak fuel, posing a burn and fire
hazard to consumers.
Distribution: nationwide


IBM Has Recalled Computer Monitors
Reason: The monitor's circuit board can overheat and smoke, posing
a fire hazard to consumers.
Distribution: nationwide


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this newsletter? If so, please feel free to forward this
email to the person. Or ask the person to subscribe to the
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Copyright 2003 - SweetPoison.com
Publisher: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD, CN

March Issue:



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